Monday, February 21, 2011

Spare Engine Rebuild Update

Please refer to a previous blog entry on my purchase of a spare RB26DETT head and block, if you do not already know the story behind the rebuild.

Due to the limited availability of aftermarket RB26 parts locally, my tuner thought it best that I purchase items that we had reserved at several Sunway shops. 

His fear was that, since these reservations weren't firmly tied down with deposits, the vendors would have no qualms in selling the parts to walk-in customers. And so today we went out and visited the usual haunts of motorheads in and around Sunway. 

So while the block was being re-sleeved at the machine shop, we went to ST Wangan. We were there for the following items:

Jun Oil Collar 

ARP Bolts and Studs

Our next stop was Samurai Racing for the Greddy Oil Sump.

It will take sometime to rebore the block and port the head, so stay tuned till then.


Firdaus Asri said...

True bro RB26 is a lot sought after while RB25 engine kosong can be sourced quite cheaply. I remember my friend who just fried his RB25, he just got one RB25 engine about RM850-RM900 only

Temujin said...

Owh.. Kaminari just got some Nismo bolts in stock at DriftHouse..